Face-to-face / online / telephonic consulting options

  1. Initial Assessment Consultation
    60-90 minutes

We will go through medical history, medications, symptoms, any recent blood test results, lifestyle, current eating habits, activity levels, discuss red flags, make links between how you feel and what you eat. Together set goals + decide on an approach that suits you. 


  • If necessary weight and cm readings will be taken or explained how to take if doing online. 

  • If blood tests are required, a form will be issued and given to you in this session to go for the tests.

  • If you are doing the GeneWay Genetic Testing (have a link here for further down), you would purchase the test (cheek swab kit) + this would be conducted in this session. Additional fee. 

  1. Follow up Meal plan 

  • Emailed within a few days.

  • A comprehensive report with tips/ideas/suggestions/small changes as well as a personalised meal plan with food lists will be emailed to you so that you can start your journey. 

  1. First follow up consultation and consultations of this duration
    30 - 45 minutes 

This first follow up is important and is recommended within 2 - 4 weeks of starting the meal plan. 

We review progress, discuss challenges, make adjustments if needed, and receive further education and motivation. Clarify and questions/concerns. 

My role in follow ups is to offer you encouragement and support and to help you change your behaviours and stay motivated throughout your journey. 

  1. Quick weigh-in sessions
    15 minutes 

Quick weigh in and brief chat. Highly recommended to do these weekly for your first 12 weeks. 

  1. Email consultation 

No interaction with dietitian, however a comprehensive assessment questionnaire is emailed. This will be assessed and a personalized meal plan with report will be emailed. 

  1. Quick-Start Generic Meal plan 

Note: not recommended for anyone with specific medical conditions or food preferences.

For those who just need a guide into what healthy eating is and need some sort of starting point, but don’t have the budget for the full personalized approach this is a great starting point.  

Generic meal plan with food list and general tips are emailed.  Personal likes/dislikes and lifestyle are not taken into account, but the plan is flexible to tweak it yourself. 

Healthy weight loss plan OR a quick focused booster weight loss plan

*Contracted out, Cash practice, but can be claimed from medical aid after consultation